Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Crazy Love

So the new book that our church leadership is going through is Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I haven't read it before, but I've heard some really good things about it (including a stellar review by my friend Chad who said it was in the top two books he's read). I was excited it read it but also a little nervous because I'm quite comfortable too.

So please join me on this journey. I'll be posting my thoughts as I read through the book both here and on our Ignite forum. Feel free to join the discussion that's happening on the forum. If you haven't picked up your copy of Crazy Love I highly suggest you do so. And now, without further ado, let's begin.

As I read the preface I already knew that this book would challenge me. After all, the opening quote rung so true with me, "to read the Bible, attend church and avoid 'big' sins--is this pi am not smartionate, wholehearted love for God?" Ouch! I mean, isn't that what we preach. Stay in your Word, stay connected to the church and don't screw up. If you do that then God will bless you and you'll live a prosperous life. But is that all it takes? Are we trying to avoid messing up so that when we get to heaven we'll be rewarded? Those are some heavy thoughts that makes me shift what I believe and how I want to live my life.

I really appreciate Francis Chan's open admission that his view of God was narrow and small (p. 20). I think most of our views of God are too narrow and small. He goes on to say that most of us view God as "a benevolent Being who is satisfied when people manage to fit Him into their lives in some small way. We forget that God never had an identity crisis" (p. 22). I definitely can say that many times I fall into the trap of feeling that way. I feel that because I spent 10 minutes in the Word, I am completely justified in playing video games for 3 hours.

So as we go through this book, I am looking forward to being challenged and praying for God to change me (but let it be painless Lord!!!).

What are your thoughts? Join the discussion by clicking here.

1 comment:

keao said...

thanks for the link...I joined the forum. It would be fun if people joined in

About Me

Howzit? Good I hope! I am a staff pastor at Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay in beautiful Kaneohe, Hawaii. I was born and raised in Kaneohe, a quaint little town on the Windward side of Oahu (we are civilized to have two Starbucks here). I currently run the Singles and Couples ministry as well as the Sports ministry at Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay. I am married to a wonderful, beautiful woman who keeps me in check. If you have any questions hit me up. I'd love sit down and talk story. Thanks for stopping by, we hope to see you again real soon!

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