Saturday, May 10, 2008

Privacy Please!

A few years ago, Russell and I went to a conference in Orlando, Florida. We didn't stay at the convention site because we made the decision to go too late to still get a good rate at the hotel so instead we stayed across the street at a Holiday Inn or something like that. Well everyday that we slept in too late (as deemed by our maid) she would knock once and then let herself in. Then she would mumble something about sleeping in too late while she opened the curtains to let some light in and ensure that we would wake up.

Well after a few days of this we decided to do something about it. Of course our ghetto hotel didn't have one of those "do not disturb" door hangers so we had to swipe one from our friends the Hoopers that were staying at the Sheraton. Although she never questioned where we got the "Privacy Please" door hanger it seemed to do the trick as the maid never bothered us while we were sleeping for the rest of the trip.

Russell, me and Lesa and Don Hooper in 2005

Fast forward to Friday, May 9, 2008. I've been having this problem with my left-eye so I've been having to use these medicated drops. Well, I get my prescriptions filled at Longs you know how they have that little line that's supposed to give their clients privacy? Well, let's just say it doesn't always work. Actually, let me take that back. It sort of works if you're trying to see someone's prescriptions, it doesn't work, however with auditory privacy.

As I was standing in line (behind the privacy line mind you) I couldn't help but overhear the conversation going on at the counter. There was this old man trying to get a prescription filled that was supposedly called in by his doctor. Unfortunately for him Longs only holds prescriptions for seven days and they couldn't find his prescription.

The nice lady at the counter was doing her best trying to find his medicine but she couldn't find it. She tried all the usuals, who's your doctor, when was it called in and so on. Finally she asked the all important question, what's it for?

I think this is what that privacy line is for. As she asked him for a description he kind of hung is head down and mumbled his answer. Of course, she couldn't hear him (or understand him) and so he said a little too loudly, "ANAL IRRITATION". I felt so bad for him. It's bad enough that you have anal irritation but to add insult to injury you have to say it really loudly so the world can hear and then they don't even have your medication. Now you're embarrassed and still suffering. I think they should have a whole privacy box so that not only can you not be seen but you can't be heard either.


Mike said...

Hey Scott,

That was a really funny blog, not the anal irritation part, but the fact that you mis-spelled "Prescription" like 3 times.

"PER-scription" heeheehee.

Scott Sunaoka said...

i'll make the correction. thanks for pointing that out to me. i spelled it just like it sounded.

Mike said...

I feel the need to share also that Wal-Mart is the best place to get you prescriptions filled, because they charge $4.00 no matter what the cost of the actual drug. No matter what insurance you got.

My sister got hers filled and the pills were 20 bucks a pill. (and she has no insurance). 10 pills...$4


About Me

Howzit? Good I hope! I am a staff pastor at Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay in beautiful Kaneohe, Hawaii. I was born and raised in Kaneohe, a quaint little town on the Windward side of Oahu (we are civilized to have two Starbucks here). I currently run the Singles and Couples ministry as well as the Sports ministry at Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay. I am married to a wonderful, beautiful woman who keeps me in check. If you have any questions hit me up. I'd love sit down and talk story. Thanks for stopping by, we hope to see you again real soon!

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